Hassle-free home selling process in Southeast Michigan

Request Offer

Submit your details on our website or call 248-744-2808 to request an offer.

Property Analysis

All we need to get started is property address and basic information about its condition. Based on that, we’ll do some quick research.

Get Cash Offer

After doing some quick research, we’ll present a fair, cash offer, usually within days, based on the value of your particular property.

Pick Closing Date

After you accept our offer, you pick a closing date, and we do all the paperwork so that you can get paid. No closing costs, ever.

Selling to Wolverine


Get Educated on True Home Value

No Commission Fee

No Inspection or Finance Contigency


Closing Date of Your Choice

All Cash Offer

1 Showing, Just Us


We care about our communities

Flexible with moving date

With you throughout the process

Our Mission

To empower you - the homeowner - by giving you the tools you need to make high quality decisions about selling your home.

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